Deload Weeks Don't Cover YOUR Inconsistencies

Another thing to be said about deload weeks; they aren’t implemented in the programming as an excuse to miss sessions or to mask the inconsistencies in training. With the programming becoming more readily available and more people utilizing it, I’m seeing many add deload weeks in whenever they feel. The idea of adding additional deload weeks to allow recovery from the work is fine, except, in the very beginning programming—- your dog is barely working. I hate to be the one to say that but……. the percentages we are working with are just beginner work. Adding in ADDITIONAL deloads (aside from the preprogrammed ones) look like you just can’t be consistent in training for whatever reasons ( life). Sprinkling in a deload isn’t your best option here…….repeating weeks or weights might be (talk to your coach!). Adding TOO many deload weeks will result in a dog who will stall in progress and never learn HOW to push through resistance.. literally and figureatively.

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Canine Resistance Training
Fatigue Masks Fitness; well earned rest days.

The true rest days are the days that I fear get missed. With handlers/owners leading such busy lives, preparing for events, competitions, owning dogs that are bred for work—- we sometimes fail to grant our dogs the days of not having anything demanded of them. Believe it or not, there is true value and health promotion in those rest days. I know for me, personally, balance is key… and it’s been quite the challenge making myself take those days of NOT doing anything physically exerting or strenuous.

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