Taper Down in order to Peak

Now in order for your dog to properly PEAK the day of a competition, you need to make sure he or she is prepared. Preparedness refers to not only mentally prepared, but also physically…… which consists of the dogs level of fitness and fatigue….. two variables that are extremely important to consider when doing resistance training ( and if you’ve been following the programming, you will have been mindful of both!) Fitness is the idea of how well your dog’s body and mind are developed to handle the weight. Fatigue, on the other hand, is a variable that is constantly changing with each session, with each cycle and program. It is to be considered and changed upon preparation for a competition or a competitive pull.

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Harness Makers; Who I Recommend

With CRT quickly spreading beyond the United States, my recommended harness maker list is ever growing (which is awesome!) We now have certified trainers in Canada, the US, and soon to be Australia. Having clients order from makers in the US alone, will delay training, as they are on a pretty backed up schedule and can’t keep up with the demand. Plan ahead, order in advance and be prepared to wait.

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Don't Build a House on Cards.

Muscle hypertrophy is the LAST thing you will see developing as a result of consistent training. THIS is why progressive overload and time under tension are key. Logic would assume that heavier weight, shorter distances to a novice dog would provide both adequate time under tension and sufficient overload… but it will not yield GPP. General Physical Preparedness or Preparation is the framework… this is your dog’s Building Blocks.

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Why Follow a Program?

Lastly, and who am I kidding——It’s FREAKING EASIER! Very few times in life, I suggest taking the easy way out….but the work is ALREADY DONE for you. I follow an exercise program that is delivered to my phone every single week, and I created the same thing for you and your dogs! If you are far away want to get started, you have all you need! Including an online community to help keep you motivated during the process! It is easy! You don’t have to think, you don’t have to guess, or do some mathematical equation…It’s already done for you. For beginners, this is the best way to begin your journey into resistance training!

If you want to get started and don’t know how—- start at Level 1. This gives you all foundational theory and concepts and the 12 week outline that will get you started on the right foot! After that, I’m sure you know what to do next ;)

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F*#$ Genetics.....What about Genetic Potential?

There are three components to genetic potential. NOT JUST GENETICS. In weight pull, I preach that CRT is for every dog. You’ll hear it very commonly said that some dogs are “natural pullers” while others are not…. but that DOES NOT MEAN the dog should be discarded or won’t make the cut to achieve success. Every dog has potential.

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